Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blog Post Reflection

                 The peer review was one of the most helpful exercises we have done in class. I tend to always second guess my work, so having someone go over it, and give me feedback, gave me some confidence in my proposal while also pointing out some of my flaws. Most of the suggestions my peers made were purely grammatical and style related. I tend to struggle a lot with grammar because English is not my first language. For my food blog, I plan to go over all my post and have them reviewed by some of my friends. Additionally, I plan to consult a grammar book or guide to have a better background in the mechanics. Another comment was on ambiguity; I will address this issue by trying to include more detail and specifications in my posts. Lastly, I will focus on some of the awkwardness some of my sentences possessed.  By trying to make the sentences more appealing, I tend to make them awkward. For my posts, I will try to make simpler more straightforward sentences. The final comment my peer made was about how lovely my proposal was and how you could appreciate my passion for the topic. She also said she was looking forward to reading my posts. This comment made me feel positive about my work, even though I need to assess some minor problems.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that the peer review was helpful to you! In addition, we have some great ESL tutors at Emory. You can find more details on the ESL and Writing Center resources in the "Peer Tutoring" section of our full course syllabus.

    Good job with the reflection.

    Grade: Check
